Thursday, May 16, 2013

Everybody's Preggo!!

I swear, my facebook is blown up right now with people that have either just had their babies, people getting close to having their babies, and people announcing that they're pregnant!  I'm so thankful that my mind is in a positive place right now.....I'm able to feel genuine excitement for each and every announcement that shows up in my news feed.  I too easily remember the time where each new announcement or pregnancy/baby picture would send me into tears....For those out there that may be in that place right now, my heart and prayers go out to you.  I definitely know how painful that is....

With all these pictures and announcements, I can't hope that I will soon be one of the people showing up on other people's news feed with an announcement of pregnancy.  And at the same time, I can't help but allow those crazy thoughts of worry to come in.....what if we get a negative test result next week???  For my own sake, and the sake of my two, hopefully growing babies, I'm not going to allow myself to meditate on those thoughts.....

Right now, I hope that my two sweet babies have already burrowed into a comfy place in my uterus and set up camp.  I hope they have successfully implanted and are continuing to grow.  I can't help but put my hand on my belly at times because I know they're in there. I hope they are thriving in there....I am already so in love.....

I have one more week (+ 1 more day) until we find out if the pregnancy is successful....and I think it will take a couple more weeks after that before we find out if both of the babies made it or just one....

My prayer right now is that God would wrap his loving around my body and around my babies, and help them to grow and continue to receive the nourishment that they need.....

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